Build and Balance totally changed my life. Five years ago I threw out my backing swinging 50 hay bales over a 4 foot fence to feed my horses. The pain was so great that I actually fell down outside and had to wait five minutes to use the fence to be able to climb back up again to my feet. The pain was horrifying – but the fear that I may not recover was crushing as I am a very active person and I love to be outside with my pets. I had never been to a chiropractor before – in fact, I grew up in a house in which chiropractors were viewed as barely above a witch doctor who practices voodoo – but the pain was so great I really didn’t know where else to turn to for relief. Build and Balance was the closest chiropractor to my house that was in my insurance network so I called them first. It was the BEST decision that I ever made! Dr. Brown was able to see me the next day and after the first adjustment at least half the pain disappeared. It took a couple of months, but the pain lessened with each visit, and my flexibility in my back was restored. I spoke so highly of Dr. Brown that my fiancee Bryan started to go too for migraine relief. Now we both go every couple of weeks just for maintenance and see Dr. Metz – her technique to re-adjust my rib cage and wrists is truly amazing! I always had a sore feeling around my collar bone – Dr. Metz explained that one of my upper ribs was out of alignment and like clockwork she re-adjusts that rib back to where it should be – and it feels great! When I get off the table I feel about 2 inches taller and everything from the top of my neck to the tips of my toes feels loose and relaxed. I am proud to say that I will be a chiropractic patient for life due to the many health benefits!